Hi Iā€™m Rachel,

I used to be an unhappy, sugar addict, who was having trouble keeping up with my 4 young children and feeling old. You knowā€¦ the ā€œtypical agingā€ process many of us feel.

Iā€™m happy to say that by shifting to a diet of ā€œClean Eating,ā€ I have been able to reverse many of the negative feelings of aging that I was experiencing.Enter your text here...


Iā€™ve been ā€œEating Cleanā€ for quite some time now, and Iā€™m proud to say not only does it work, itā€™s something you can stick with for LIFE!

It took years of research and many more years of trial and error to find the simplest way for someone to switch to a diet of primarily Clean Eating.

Following what I learned I had seen many friends and family have major results by slightly tweaking how, and what they were eating on a daily basis.

And thatā€™s why I created the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.

In the past 8 years, weā€™ve had over 60,000 amazing individuals go through our Clean Eating Challenge, and many of them have continued to follow the plan for a year or more.

Why? Because it works, AND because itā€™s a plan thatā€™s actually realistic to stick with!

We created this program as the perfect companion for someone looking to improve their health by eating REAL food.

Thatā€™s right, weā€™re simply eating differently than todayā€™s society ā€˜norm,ā€™ eating REAL foods, and experiencing amazing results because of it.

AND the best part of allā€¦ the food we eat isnā€™t boring!

This program is exactly what I would have wanted when I started eating clean because of two key factors.

Iā€™ve been ā€œEating Cleanā€ for quite some time now, and Iā€™m proud to say not only does it work, itā€™s something you can stick with for LIFE!

It took years of research and many more years of trial and error to find the simplest way for someone to switch to a diet of primarily Clean Eating.

Following what I learned I had seen many friends and family have major results by slightly tweaking how, and what they were eating on a daily basis.

And thatā€™s why I created the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.

In the past 8 years, weā€™ve had over 60,000 amazing individuals go through our Clean Eating Challenge, and many of them have continued to follow the plan for a year or more.

Why? Because it works, AND because itā€™s a plan thatā€™s actually realistic to stick with!

We created this program as the perfect companion for someone looking to improve their health by eating REAL food.

Thatā€™s right, weā€™re simply eating differently than todayā€™s society ā€˜norm,ā€™ eating REAL foods, and experiencing amazing results because of it.

AND the best part of allā€¦ the food we eat isnā€™t boring!

This program is exactly what I would have wanted when I started eating clean because of two key factors.


What do I mean by Accountability?

Just simply reading a few recipes online will not change the way you eat.

You require a system to keep yourself committed to your clean eating lifestyle.

And when it comes to a plan, you can not simply guess your way to success.
(I tried, it doesnā€™t work!)

In fact, it took me over 3 years to figure out the exact Clean Eating Plan that you can easily follow for success.
(One you will stick to, rather than being bored from after a few weeks)

I have found that in order for Clean Eating to have an effect on your health,
you require:

1. The correct eating plans. (So that you stay full, with the right foods)
2. Friends that are also eating clean. (Positive Peer Pressure!)
3. A leader to show you how, hold you accountable, and answer your questions! (Especially on days with Major Cravings.)

And that is exactly why this program works!

Read these Recent Testimonials to hear how THIS program has worked for countless others.

Hi! Iā€™m Judi and my husband and I have been doing CFC for 4 months now and love itā€¦.This group is amazing and supportive. My husbandā€™s blood sugar has gone from 254 to 100 in 4 months and and he has lost 25 lbs!

Judi Schlotthauer

If youā€™re looking to lose weight, try the 30-Day Challenge. Specific meals, recipes, when to eat, all in detail. I havenā€™t been able to lose an ounce for 1.5 years. I dropped 6 pounds since Wednesday.

Angela Santoyo

My husband and I started clean food eating January 4th. It has been amazing for both of us. We have lost 17 lbs each and feeling so much better!

Tammy Phillips Hatch

During this experience the healthy eating has thrown my blood pressure into a nose dive (which is a great thing!) Iā€™ve talked to my doctor and we are lowering my amount of meds. Yayyyy!

Terrie Williams

My cravings have stoppedā€¦.YES!!! Thank you Rachel Maser for this wonderful insight to learn and be mindful of how clean eating can create a whole new ā€œYouā€ and way of life. I am so content to eat this way for the rest of my life! Thank you, thank you!

Carol Cercone

I have to say I have never felt as good as I do now! With my strength, will power & this program my life has completely changd for the better. My waist was 34 & now itā€™s 27, my weight last month was 148 and now itā€™s 137 wooooohooo!!!

Daisy Heinrich

Lost 15 lbs and am able to run 20 minutes straight. Someone even commented and was very impressed. Thank you Rachel Maser you have changed my life forever.

Angel Jenson Heath

I made it through the 7 day detox and Iā€™m down 7lbs. Still mentally craving sugar but it hasnā€™t been uncontrollable so far. Best change Iā€™ve made is to stop grazing at night. Iā€™m excited for week 2!!

Melody Graveen

Our Next CHALLENGE begins Monday, November 4th, 2024.

The Complete 30 Day Challenge with Plant Based Plan BANNER 2021

Remember ā€“ you get access to the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge plus ALL bonuses for only $97.

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Judy Lost 19 lbs and Found Inspiration with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Before the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge ā€“ 138 lbs

After the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge ā€“ 117 lbs

ā€œIf you have any doubts about Rachelā€™s challenges or program, banish them away. Give it a chance and it will work. I am 56 years old, 5ā€™2ā€³ and 117 pounds now. I was 138 pounds and chunky on day 1ā€

Judy ā€“ Clean Eating Since March 7, 2016

This whole foods program is NOT about starving, fasting, juicing, only drinking soups or smoothies, or buying lots of supplements.

The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is a return to eating meals made with 100% Real Ingredients.

By following the plan included:

Many days youā€™ll actually eat MORE food than youā€™re used to.
(Yes a meal plan where youā€™ll actually ā€œfeel fuller!ā€)

Over time your late night snack cravings will nearly vanish.

Your body will be filled with healthy nutrients.

And your friends and family will notice how youā€™re changing for the better!

Here is whatā€™s included when you order the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge:

30 Day Clean Eating Guide


An exact step-by-step plan of what you should eat, and how much to eat on a daily basis while on the 30 Day Challenge. You will be given simple directions & prep ahead instructions to make this as simple as possible.

In the first week we will detox all the bad stuff and be on a specific ā€œdiet.ā€
(Youā€™ll be skipping sugar this week.)

In the following 3 weeks the plan will re-introduce many ingredients back into your lifestyle. These are meals you can be making and eating for the rest of your life.

Youā€™ll have access to:

  • A 4 Week Recipe Guide: You will have recipes that are created with a focus on decreasing inflammation, decreasing cravings and keeping you satisfied.
  • Shopping Lists for the 30 Day Challenge & BEYOND!
  • Clean Snack Recipes for in between meals.
  • A guide to ā€œGood Foodsā€ & ā€œFoods to Avoid.ā€

30 Days of Daily Support Messages

daily support messages

Educational, science based and proven mind-set training to change the way you think about nutrition. These messages WILL keep you on track and sticking to the plan.

Meal Prep will also be a huge topic of these messages. Fail to Plan = Plan to Fail.

These are NOT clichesā€™ about positive thinking.

Our previous challenge members have found this support to be extremely helpful to getting through the entire month.

Meal Tracker


Research shows that the act of writing down your daily mood & nutritional intake is key to reaching your goals. You will receive a simple, easy to print out, daily meal & mood tracker so that you can hold yourself accountable and see your results on paper.

Private Online Group


My team and I (plus a whole big group of amazing people just like you ā€“ people who will be your biggest supporters and cheerleaders) are waiting for you!

I often hear that not having the proper support at home is a major hold back for desired lifestyle changes. Studies have shown that people who have social support will lose more weight, than those who are trying to lose weight alone.

Being apart of this engaged group of people with the same goals, is a fun and powerful way to experience change.

At the end of the 30 Days, many of group members are most grateful for this community.

My team and I (plus a whole big group of amazing people just like you ā€“ people who will be your biggest supporters and cheerleaders) are waiting for you!

I often hear that not having the proper support at home is a major hold back for desired lifestyle changes. Studies have shown that people who have social support will lose more weight, than those who are trying to lose weight alone.

Being apart of this engaged group of people with the same goals, is a fun and powerful way to experience change.

At the end of the 30 Days, many of group members are most grateful for this community.

Access Your Challenge Materials in
Your Easy to Use Memberā€™s Area


Access Your Challenge Materials in
Your Easy to Use Memberā€™s Area


Simple printable Charts to simplify eating for a lifetime! Create your own weekly plan, or use one of our pre-made plans. This will keep you organized while on our clean plan.

Simple printable Charts to simplify eating for a lifetime! Create your own weekly plan, or use one of our pre-made plans. This will keep you organized while on our clean plan.

Unadvertised Bonuses

Inside every challenge group I add one or two of my eCookbooks as extra bonuses. I want you eating clean all the time. šŸ™‚

Immunity Support Pack Banner
CFC Crush Your CRAVINGS Bonus Banner 2021
CFC Protien Packed Breakfast Recipes Bonus Banner 2021
CFC Dining Out BONUS Banner copy - Copy
CFC5 Ingredient BONUS Banner copy
CFC Party Food Crew Bonus Banner 2022

+ 3 Featured Seasonal Bonuses!

Exclusive Discounts

Early Access to future CFC groups, products, cookbooks, and retreats.

CFC 30 Day Clean Eating Banner 2021 3

With all the material you receive in the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge many people have told me I could charge $500 or more for access to the program.

However, I wanted to offer this program for a price nearly anyone could afford.

Thatā€™s why the Clean Eating Challenge is only $97

Remember ā€“ you receive access to the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge for only $97.

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Recent Testimonials

Thanks CFC. Itā€™s a calm feeling to not think about sugar throughout the day. I have energy and Iā€™m guessing even glucose levels which probably explains why I donā€™t crave my daily 3pm diet dew. I confess I have not been perfect but this is the kindest eating plan Iā€™ve ever started.

Jenny Wagner Fehr

Due to travelling on the first two weekends of January, I didnā€™t complete my first full week of the programme until Sunday. Weighed myself this morning to find that Iā€™ve lost 10 lbs and 3.5ā€³ total over the past week!

Eileen Howey

I totally loved the program. It was the first time I was 100% from start to finish. I was only successful because of prepping, group support and pure dedication. As far as results, I lost 5 pounds which doesnā€™t seem like a lot but after I had my measurements and body fat calculated, I dropped 2%. My biggest improvement was in my waistline. I never felt like I was missing out on any particular foods. Throughout this program I challenged myself when I was at particular events or around the notorious desserts. I can honestly say I do not have a sugar problem!

Addie Stilley

Just have to give a BIG YOU ROCK to FB pal Rachel Maser who is rocking my kitchen with her Clean Food Crush Sugar Detox Program. I was waaaay waaaay waaaay back into sugar addictionā€¦.and started to feel like there was no way out. Thanks to a nudge from my friend Cory Shanesā€¦ Boomā€“got myself into rehab. My kitchen is on fire with healthy foods. And Iā€™m starting to feel better already. Rachelā€™s recipes are creative, super delicious, and easy to make. LOVE LOVE LOVE. The lettuce wraps are just ONE of my many favs.

Kristin Schiffner Thompson

Down 6 lbs in 8 daysā€¦was hoping for more, but the fact that I didnā€™t have to squeeze into my pants this morning=priceless!!!

Shannon Notine Lind

Doing great! Exactly what I needed to shed the final baby weight. Now I am at a normal BMI and feeling great! Thank you!

Carmelita Dominguez

I was super excited this morning! Iā€™ve lost 14 lbs since Jan 11th. Woohoo! I also gave some information to a couple of friends a few weeks ago who have gone out and bought the books and one joined the challenge. In speaking with them today, in their first week they lost 4 lbs. I was excited to be able to lead them to this clean food plan. Thank you Rachel Maser for everything you have done. This is the first plan Iā€™ve been able to do successfully and it works!

Shanda Hartsock

So after my late start, one week complete. Iā€™m going to continue the week one menu through Sunday for simplicity sake, so total it will be 11 days of detox, but considering the refined carb junkie I am, I can probably use it. Pepperidge Farm Goldfish are my crack!!! But after 7 days, Iā€™m down 5 lbs which is amazing because Iā€™m an athlete, I am constantly on the move and I canā€™t ever lose a damn pound! So YAY!

Kathryn Mary

Limited Availability ā€“ Get Registered Today!


Please keep in mind that this program will NOT work for excuse makers.
The first 4-5 days are HARD. Plan on using some willpower!

If you believe you require a change, and deserve a healthier, happier body, this program is for you.

If you have some discipline, are willing to try something different, and want to see the results of resetting your bodyā€™s to enjoy whole foods, then I want to work with YOU!

This program is first come first serve, and there are limited spots available.

Or use our easy payment plan to get started today for only $55 (and pay $55 more in 30 days)

CFC banner 16

+ 3 Featured Seasonal Bonuses!

Remember ā€“ you get access to the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge plus ALL bonuses for only $97.

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Our Next CHALLENGE begins Monday, November 4th, 2024.



I changed my lifestyle with Clean Eating October 2015 and I had an epiphany I wanted to share that made this all worthwhile and gave me peace of mind: For the first time in my adult life (Iā€™m 55), I know that I will reach my goal. Iā€™m not worried about when or if, because I know I will reach it. Clean eating is my life now, sure I may slip up a bit here and there, but this is it and Iā€™m not worried that I will disappoint myself again. Because this has been such an easy (for the most part) lifestyle change, I know I will meet my goal and be able to maintain. YAY! And thank you again Rachel Maser!

Debbie Pottorff Wyrsch

Made this yesterday for lunch ā€œChicken Salsa on Butter Lettuceā€ Had it again for lunch todayā€¦.deliciouseoso

Lydia Hines

Finished the 7 day detox and Iā€™m down 8lbs! I have a long way to go, but am proud of myself. Our new puppy may drive me to drink soon though.

Amanda Myers Paduchik

The beauty of what you do is make healthy food so yummy why should I miss sugar? You have found the secret to eliminating unhealthful sugar: substitute delicious, nutritious food.

Lynda Gibby Shumway

Hubby and I started week three today and are pleased to have positive results so farā€¦Iā€™m down 8.9lbs and 7.5ā€ total and hubby is down a whopping 18lbs (šŸ˜²)! Yesterday, my 10 year old asked to help me prep food for the week. She requested tangy shredded chicken for lunch today and my 7 year old asked for turkey meatballs.

Carrie Randall

1st day of week 4! Down one pound last week for a total of 8lbs so far! What I really love is that my skin has cleared up, I used to break out at least once a week but I have had no breakouts since starting this program!

Christy Feinauer Jones

Hi my name is Judi my husband and I have been eating clean for the past 8 weeks and love it. He is down 19lbs and blood sugar is consistantly down into the 90s! Iā€™m down 8lbs. This is an amazing group. Ask any question someone will support and answer you. Youā€™re going to love it and succeed. We are all in this together! Canā€™t wait to start the detox again on Monday.

Judi Butters Schlotthauer

Remember ā€“ you get access to the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge for only $97.

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Our Next CHALLENGE begins Monday, November 4th, 2024.

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