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First of all, thank you, and congratulations for your order!
While you are waiting for that email…
I want to encourage you to take a moment to learn about our Next 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Hi I’m Rachel,
I used to be an unhappy, sugar addict, who was having trouble keeping up with my 4 young children and feeling old. You know… the “typical aging” process many of us feel.
I’m happy to say that by shifting to a diet of “Clean Eating,” I have been able to reverse many of the negative feelings of aging that I was experiencing.Enter your text here...

I’ve been “Eating Clean” for quite some time now, and I’m proud to say not only does it work, it’s something you can stick with for LIFE!
It took years of research and many more years of trial and error to find the simplest way for someone to switch to a diet of primarily Clean Eating.
Following what I learned I had seen many friends and family have major results by slightly tweaking how, and what they were eating on a daily basis.
And that’s why I created the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.
In the past 8 years, we’ve had over 60,000 amazing individuals go through our Clean Eating Challenge, and many of them have continued to follow the plan for a year or more.
Why? Because it works, AND because it’s a plan that’s actually realistic to stick with!
We created this program as the perfect companion for someone looking to improve their health by eating REAL food.
That’s right, we’re simply eating differently than today’s society ‘norm,’ eating REAL foods, and experiencing amazing results because of it.
AND the best part of all… the food we eat isn’t boring!
This program is exactly what I would have wanted when I started eating clean because of two key factors.
I’ve been “Eating Clean” for quite some time now, and I’m proud to say not only does it work, it’s something you can stick with for LIFE!
It took years of research and many more years of trial and error to find the simplest way for someone to switch to a diet of primarily Clean Eating.
Following what I learned I had seen many friends and family have major results by slightly tweaking how, and what they were eating on a daily basis.
And that’s why I created the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.
In the past 8 years, we’ve had over 60,000 amazing individuals go through our Clean Eating Challenge, and many of them have continued to follow the plan for a year or more.
Why? Because it works, AND because it’s a plan that’s actually realistic to stick with!
We created this program as the perfect companion for someone looking to improve their health by eating REAL food.
That’s right, we’re simply eating differently than today’s society ‘norm,’ eating REAL foods, and experiencing amazing results because of it.
AND the best part of all… the food we eat isn’t boring!
This program is exactly what I would have wanted when I started eating clean because of two key factors.

What do I mean by Accountability?
Just simply reading a few recipes online will not change the way you eat.
You require a system to keep yourself committed to your clean eating lifestyle.
And when it comes to a plan, you can not simply guess your way to success.
(I tried, it doesn’t work!)
In fact, it took me over 3 years to figure out the exact Clean Eating Plan that you can easily follow for success.
(One you will stick to, rather than being bored from after a few weeks)
I have found that in order for Clean Eating to have an effect on your health,
you require:
1. The correct eating plans. (So that you stay full, with the right foods)
2. Friends that are also eating clean. (Positive Peer Pressure!)
3. A leader to show you how, hold you accountable, and answer your questions! (Especially on days with Major Cravings.)
And that is exactly why this program works!
Read these Recent Testimonials to hear how THIS program has worked for countless others.
Hi! I’m Judi and my husband and I have been doing CFC for 4 months now and love it….This group is amazing and supportive. My husband’s blood sugar has gone from 254 to 100 in 4 months and and he has lost 25 lbs!

Judi Schlotthauer
If you’re looking to lose weight, try the 30-Day Challenge. Specific meals, recipes, when to eat, all in detail. I haven’t been able to lose an ounce for 1.5 years. I dropped 6 pounds since Wednesday.

Angela Santoyo
My husband and I started clean food eating January 4th. It has been amazing for both of us. We have lost 17 lbs each and feeling so much better!

Tammy Phillips Hatch
During this experience the healthy eating has thrown my blood pressure into a nose dive (which is a great thing!) I’ve talked to my doctor and we are lowering my amount of meds. Yayyyy!

Terrie Williams
My cravings have stopped….YES!!! Thank you Rachel Maser for this wonderful insight to learn and be mindful of how clean eating can create a whole new “You” and way of life. I am so content to eat this way for the rest of my life! Thank you, thank you!

Carol Cercone
I have to say I have never felt as good as I do now! With my strength, will power & this program my life has completely changd for the better. My waist was 34 & now it’s 27, my weight last month was 148 and now it’s 137 wooooohooo!!!

Daisy Heinrich
Lost 15 lbs and am able to run 20 minutes straight. Someone even commented and was very impressed. Thank you Rachel Maser you have changed my life forever.

Angel Jenson Heath
I made it through the 7 day detox and I’m down 7lbs. Still mentally craving sugar but it hasn’t been uncontrollable so far. Best change I’ve made is to stop grazing at night. I’m excited for week 2!!